Well Newcastle Gateshead was one of the pathfinders of Well North, a Public Health England funded initiative to improve the health of the poorest people fastest.

Well Newcastle Gateshead concluded in July 2022, this website is part of its lasting legacy, allowing access to the hundreds of reports, images and videos capturing the 76 projects who benefitted from this funding.

Join us as we travel across four areas of Newcastle and Gateshead - Byker, Chopwell, Felling and Inner West Newcastle, to see what Well Newcastle Gateshead supported them to achieve in their communities.

Above: The Infographic shows whole project statistics, the 4 areas covered were Chopwell, Byker, Felling and Inner West Newcastle. 76 projects were funded which directly benefitted 7.7k people and indirectly benefitted 12k people. £562k of funding was allocated, generating £588k of match funding. The target groups for projects were 38.6% school readiness and 61.4% for adults who were socially isolated/support with mental wellbeing. The most common awards were those over £10k (43.6%) and the largest investment was in Byker.

As part of the Well Newcastle Gateshead project evaluation, several short films were commissioned from local videographer Nat Wilkins, of Canny Productions. These capture the creativity, passion and enthusiasm of the projects Well Newcastle Gateshead funded.

The video below summarises the activities and achievements of the whole Well Newcastle Gateshead programme over the past five years. While new footage was filmed specifically for the evaluation film, much of the material was shot by organisations themselves as part of their own digital stories.

The four place specific videos (Byker, Chopwell, Felling and Inner West Newcastle) can be viewed here in the ‘areas’ section of this website.

Digital Story: The Well Newcastle Gateshead Programme

Well Newcastle Gateshead Project Evaluation Report and Dashboard

In March 2022, James Turner was appointed by Blue Stone Collaborative to carry out the full programme evaluation. The work comprised the following main stages:

  • Review of background documents and WNG funding management information

  • Review of project evaluation reports and digital stories

  • Interviews with 13 projects and a further five interviews with WNG staff and stakeholders

Along with the online project evaluation tool and online directory of funded groups, a report was produced to include a detailed analysis of funding awards, key themes and learning points from programme delivery and project evaluations, to be accompanied by a summary version of that report.

Visit the dashboard tab to access the project analysis tool, which includes the full list of funded projects and the full WNG project report. You can also read more about the evaluation process via the evaluation tab.

Screenshot of the project dashboard created on Google data studio
Front cover of the WNG project summary evaluation document