Atypical Support CIC

Over the course of the Atypical Isolation Buster, both in 2021 and 2022, Well Newcastle Gateshead funding has been used to support multiple small businesses ran by neuro-diverse owners. Funding was used to employ five businesses and work was subcontracted to seven more to create collaborative links. Seven mentors were employed, using Access to Work funding via the DWP, to support the business owners.

Summary: Working with neuro-diverse businesses to support community arts activities,

Location: Chopwell

Award: £10,177.50

Beneficiaries: Five businesses and 100 participants

Digital Story: Atypical Support CIC Bradburn Films

Digital Story: Atypical Support CIC Grassroots Admin

Digital Story: Atypical Support CIC Phil Benton Photography 1

Digital Story: Atypical Support CIC Sylvan Skills and IR8 Bespoke 1

Digital Story: Atypical Support CIC Kooky Creations 1

Digital Story: Atypical Support CIC Forage Art Play

Programme director Mark Mulqueen stands outside beside 2 women who are seated on a bench
Programme director Mark Mulqueen stands outside beside 2 women who are seated on a bench



Bradburn Films