Oasis Community Housing

Summary: A range of arts activities for people facing homelessness - adapted for Covid pandemic.

Award: £9,000

Area: 2+ areas

Beneficiaries: Over 18 months, the funding supported a range of arts activities suited to the changing demands of Covid restrictions and the priorities for people affected by homelessness - from lockdown activity packs, arts course, developing a community garden and a mural.

Oasis Community Housing received Well Newcastle Gateshead funding in February 2020 with exciting plans to introduce arts based wellbeing activities for individuals facing homelessness attending their Basis Gateshead homeless centre. Unfortunately, just as the project was getting ready to start the Covid-19 pandemic drastically changed the context they were working in. Over 18 months, the funding supported a range of arts activities suited to the changing demands of Covid restrictions and the priorities for people affected by homelessness - from lockdown activity packs, arts course, developing a community garden and a mural.

A gingerbread house
A gingerbread house with a Christmas card and thank you message on screen.

Northern Stage


Our Story Liv Hunt