Our Lives Gateshead

Our Lives has been established since September 2020 and is based in the heart of the community of Highfield, West Gateshead. Their Well Newcastle Gateshead project was Chopwell Arty Planters.

The group support individuals, young people and families across the area and provide a community spirit lead sanctuary when people are sometimes in a vulnerable position.

The group act as a focal point to bring the community together and to identify and signpost to other services and projects across Gateshead.

The group have several employees and volunteers who work together to deliver the joint vision of the group to provide much needed community support.

Our Lives Gateshead provided the community with three recycled planters filled with edible plants such as strawberries, violas and sweet williams, that would be turned into community art too. Three sets of residents took part in creating some beautiful community art on the planters for all to enjoy when passing by the three different areas of Chopwell.

Summary: Installing three decorated community planters

Award: £260

Area: Chopwell

Beneficiaries: Three children under ten and one adult took part in painting the planters.


Our Story Liv Hunt


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