Digital Story: Stomping Grounds with Benwell Forest Lunch Club

Stomping Grounds

Between June and December 2021 Stomping Grounds delivered 20 Forest School sessions in Benwell. They used Benwell Nature Reserve, Bridgewater School and Hodgkins Park. the project recruited three volunteers and reached 27 beneficiaries from the local area. (Including parents and their children aged 2-7.)

Summary: Forest school sessions for children aged 2-7 and their families.

Award: £8,425

Area: Inner West Newcastle

“You guys are really good, thank you for interacting with them - they run off, my kids are their own beings and they like to have the freedom to run around, and there’s always someone looking out for them. It gives me a little bit of a pause on my brain, which is really good.”

- Parent Participant

A graph showing most participants were very satisfied with their experiences
A mother and two children walk a park tightrope together on an autumn day

Sound Association

