Chopwell Regeneration CIO

Arts Exchange at the Bank was a project from Chopwell Regeneration CIO designed to give Chopwell residents, especially the lonely or isolated, a chance to get involved in one of four different arts-based activities so that they can develop new skills, discover their creative selves, and enjoy some like-minded company.

The aims of the project were to:

  • Improve the wellbeing of residents

  • Develop a sense of place and connected communities

  • Encourage people to pass their knowledge to others

  • Develop people’s creative imaginations

Summary: The grant from the Well Newcastle Gateshead fund enabled two films to be produced documenting the development of the new community hub: The Bank, Chopwell.

Award: £1,000

Area: Chopwell

Three people crafting at tables, text overlay reads 'outcomes.'
Five people crafting at tables, text overlay reads 'legacy.'
Two smiling women, one in wheel chair, text overlay reads 'Thank You.'

Chilli Studios


Circus Central