Circus Central

The funding from Well Newcastle and Gateshead allowed Circus Central's Circus Stories to be delivered throughout the Autumn Term 2021/2022. They delivered Circus Stories in a total of 3 schools during the term, running over 4 weeks. During November and December 2021, Circus Central worked in partnership with national literacy charity Seven Stories. They delivered the project to Year 1 and 2 children in both St John’s Primary School and Canning Street Primary School. Each school took part in workshops based around the following texts:

  • The Wolf Won’t Bite

  • Nell & the Circus of Dreams

  • Up and Down

  • Paddington and the Circus

Each text was coupled with the following circus skills: Hula hoops and flower sticks, peacock feathers and juggling scarves, bucket stilts and spinning plates, juggling hats and tight wire walking.

A brief clip of Circus Central’s Circus Stories being performed to a group of school children.

Summary: A storytelling and circus activities project for Primary School pupils

Award: £5,280

Location: Inner West Newcastle

Beneficiaries: Within delivery to West Newcastle Academy, St John’s Primary School and Canning Street Primary School, a total of 185 participated in Circus Stories each week with a total of 740 total over the four week period.


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