Friends Action North East

Friends Action North East (FANE) is an organisation based in Newcastle who help adults learning disabilities make and keep friends. They used Well Newcastle Gateshead funding to revive an established art group comprised of adults with learning/physical disabilities and mental health problems, with the introduction of structured activities including printing, ceramics and dance at Byker Community Centre. The activities encouraged members to learn new skills, increase their confidence and establish connections and friendships in a safe, supportive, friendly and accepting space. The group exhibited their work at a “Make Art, Make Friends” event at Byker Community Centre and the public had the opportunity to purchase items made by the group, with proceeds going towards future group arts sessions.

Summary: An art group for adults with learning & physical disabilities.

Award: £8,885

Area: Byker

Beneficiaries: 40+

Digital Story: Friends Action North East’s Make Art, Make Friends

A recruitment poster for art classes.
A volunteer recruitment poster.
Prints on display for sale on a stall.

Friendly Felling Foxes


Gateshead Poverty Truth Commission