Making Changes NE
Making Changes NE ran a project called Culture Cooking in the Felling area. Beneficiaries were families in Felling with children from aged 2 - 7 who learned vital life skills, such as cooking, budgeting and healthy eating. Local business (fun little foodies) benefitted from putting on work related activities and Felling community centre benefitted from footfall and paid hire for use of their centre. Culture Cooking put on weekly summer cooking classes for parents and children to enjoy learning to cook healthy, low cost cultural foods. This was a mixed class with the younger children receiving more help and support whilst the older children learned to work more independently and as part of a team. Fun little foodies were in charge of helping children create the pre-planned recipes with the food provided through the Well Newcastle Gateshead funding. Families also took part in craft activities whilst the food was cooking. The arts and crafts activities were related to the theme of that week’s cooking class, i.e.; pirate hats to go with pirate treasure cookies.
Summary: Five week cooking and crafts course aimed at families with children ages 2 - 7
Award: £840
Area: Felling
Beneficiaries: 14 children (some with their parents)
Digital Story: Culture Cooking with Making Changes NE