Now We Know Chopwell. Photos & Words

Based on a successful concept previously carried out with other groups and exhibited at The Baltic, the activity involved photography, writing and reflection. Participants took part in simple photography and writing activities, and were encouraged to consider and explore their experience in the staged process. An opportunity to take part in a creative activity, think about it and discuss it. This innovative and exciting project encouraged a new and different way of seeing Chopwell. The project was a new collaboration between Clive Davis, Sharon (Ronnie) Stuart and Phil Benton.

The Now We Know Chopwell. Photos and Words project aimed to develop creative imaginations. It encouraged original thought, reimagining perception, culture, and participants’ place in it. It was expected there would be pride for participants in their achievements, creating art works of their own creation in a social space. Project partners included The Bank, the community and arts venue, for the exhibition and event. Each of project leads were involved with the people and community of Chopwell in various ways and had successfully delivered other local projects.

Digital Story: Now We Know Chopwell. Photos & Words

Summary: Participatory photo and text project

Award: £999

Area: Chopwell

Beneficiaries: 20 participants


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