New Writing North

New Writing North is the writing development agency for the North of England. They brought people together through reading, writing, and engaging in ideas to deepen mutual understanding, encourage creative habits, and support wellbeing. The project was Newbiggin Hall Together Creates and it was delivered in partnership with Action for Children.

In recognition of the lack of community engagement opportunities Inner West Newcastle; and in response to local views that they had been neglected and abandoned by services, the project also encouraged collaborations with the Saville Medical Group, Healthworks, the Parish Council, Newcastle Arts Development Team, Active Newcastle, StreetGames, Newbiggin Hall Play and Youth Network, and 3 local primary schools (Cheviot, Farne and Simonside).

Newbiggin Hall Together Creates brought people together using creative facilitation skills, identifying opportunities for co-created cultural activity and, in partnership with residents/participants. It brought a programme of inclusive creative projects and programmes, reflecting the cultural needs and aspirations of the community, and supporting local confidence and wellbeing.

The project beneficiaries were local residents on the Newbiggin Hall estate, including children, young people, families and adults, through targeted programmes and open-access, intergenerational work. The project had a specific social prescribing pathway in partnership with Saville Medical Group, supporting those with mental and/or physical health needs. The project encouraged co-creation so residents could lead the work, as well as encouraging pathways for volunteering.

Summary: A legacy project funding a range of arts-based activities with local Newbiggin Hall estate residents. (Legacy project)

Award: £20,000

Area: Inner West Newcastle


Now We Know Chopwell. Photos and Words


North East WellBeing