Seven Stories

Seven Stories make literature accessible to all and champion reading for pleasure amongst all age groups. They successfully bid for Well Newcastle Gateshead funding for three projects:

  • My Story, My Place, My Future

  • The Story Kitchen

  • The Story Kitchen 2022

Digital Story: The Story Kitchen by Seven Stories

Digital Story: The Story Kitchen 2022 by Seven Stories

A boy standing in a kitchen holds a copy of the book Chapatti Moon

My Story, My Place, My Future

The aim of My Story, My Place, My Future, an education and public health initiative funded with £10K from Well Newcastle Gateshead, was to support parents to engage with their young children in reading for pleasure by participating in activities to bring a book alive. The project consisted of an intervention delivered by Seven Stories with up to 15 children and their parents/ carers and teacher(s) from reception classes in each of the 7 schools of the West End Schools Trust.

Summary: Supporting parents to engage with their young children in reading for pleasure.

Award: £9,985 Area: Inner West Newcastle

Story Kitchen

The Story Kitchen is a project led by Seven Stories, working in partnership with community organisations in Byker to provide out of school creative opportunities for families to participate in children’s book inspired activity, using food as a theme.

Summary: Out of school book-inspired creative and cookery activities.

Award: £15,000 Area: Inner West Newcastle

Story Kitchen 2022

The Story Kitchen is a project led by Seven Stories, working in partnership with community organisations in Byker to provide out of school creative opportunities for families to participate in children’s book inspired activity, using food as a theme.

Summary: Out of school book-inspired creative and cookery activities.

Award: £3,030 Area: Inner West Newcastle

A woman holds a plate with a red pepper on it, into it is carved a face
A still from a video showing a woman holding a Charlie and Lola book ready to read
A young boy and girl standing over a mixing bowl, baking together

Sens8tional CIC


Skimstone Arts