Skimstone Arts

Skimstone Arts is an artist-led, multi-arts organisation, passionate about working with diverse artists and communities to:

  • Produce a programme of professional touring performances, radio, exhibitions and the annual UNITY Festival.

  • Collaborate with communities to create authentic artworks locally, nationally and internationally about humanity and the environment.

  • Support our Young Artists Collective, Echo Artists and their band Reality Boots to create work for our programmed events.

  • Contribute to social action and research with Universities and partners.

Skimstone Arts applied to Well Newcastle Gateshead for funding for three projects:

  • Reaching Out -Byker

  • Here's Your Seat/Peace Procession 3 (Phase 2 was called 'Doorbells')

  • UNITY Festival

Reaching Out -Byker

Reaching Out – Byker developed the St Michael’s Centre’s arts community, engaging young people to create and perform their own work, responding to and sharing themes that were important to them. Working in partnership with St Michael’s Centre and young leaders in their community, the project created a Young Artists Collective, engaging isolated young people aged 16-25 to work together to create their own musical body of work to share with their communities.

Summary: Developing young artists and the St Michael's Centre's arts community.

Award: £10,000

Area: Byker

Beneficiaries: 17 adults 16+ and 31 children aged 2 – 15 (over 23 sessions, including the Café of Dreams event.)

Here's Your Seat/Peace Procession 3 (Phase 2 was called 'Doorbells')

The Here's Your Seat project built on the Reaching Out Byker initiative supported by the Well Newcastle Gateshead arts fund, engaging participants in sessions to share ideas and develop a body of artistic work. Sessions began virtually via Zoom and then resumed at St Michaels Café once government Covid guidelines allowed. The UNITY Festival was a free online music and storytelling festival that celebrated community, nature and social action.

Summary: Three days of live radio broadcasts (Who Holds the Torch?) / inclusive musical and storytelling festival (Unity Festival.)

Award: £14,500

Area: Byker

Beneficiaries: 17 interactive workshops and participatory events held, plus six live performances, attracting 726 unique attendances.

UNITY Festival

2022 marked the second year for the Skimstone Arts’ UNITY Festival, a hybrid programme of mainly in person events, as well as an online programme of headline presenters and radio broadcasts, complemented with live online streaming.

Summary: Musical and story-telling festival, including workshops and participatory events.

Award: £7,000

Area: Byker

Beneficiaries: 41 artists took part across 17 interactive workshops and reaching a total of 2,220 people in person and virtually.

Digital Story: In this video, Skimstone Arts project staff talk about the Reaching Out Byker project, its impact on participants and the wider community, and the recent Cafe of Dreams event at St Michaels Cafe.

Digital Story: Skimstone Arts participants talk about the Reaching Out Byker project and the recent Menu's of Life Event at St Michael's Café in Byker, supported by the Well Newcastle Gateshead Arts Fund.

Digital Story: Penny's Story and Skimstone Arts


Seven Stories


Sound Association