Curious Arts

Digital Story: Curious Arts with Curious Communities

Curious Arts were funded to produce a pilot programme of LGBTQIA+ led and positive arts activities for families in Newcastle and Gateshead taking place throughout October 2020 to October 2021. Curious Communities was a community focused, relevant and representative participatory arts programme. Focused on wellbeing, developing skills and a sense of place, pride and identity as key themes for the activity outcomes. The activities that took place were:

  • Our Street Our Story, a collaborative community animation about having pride in your identity and where you live.  

  • Mini Pride, a pop-up family-focused participatory arts event, event.

  • We Are All Wildflowers is an outdoor, participatory, street-theatre performance exploring themes of: identity, care, celebration, migration and freedom.

Summary: Participatory arts programme in 7 public parks in Summer 2021

Award: £17,113 Area: 2+ areas

Beneficiaries: 1800 - Total beneficiaries. 11 - Artists / Creatives; 151- Mini Pride participants; 210 - Wildflower audience; 1426 Online animation audience.


Creativity Works


Damn Cheek